The Southeastern Check Stamped Pottery Tradition

Product ID: MB123

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $35.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

"The Southeastern Check Stamped Pottery Tradition". New report printed in 1982 with 100 pages and black and white plates of the widespread check stamped pottery found in most of the southeastern U.S. Check stamped pottery, also known as deptford is dated from early to late woodland culture. Soft cover.

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"The Southeastern Check Stamped Pottery Tradition". New report printed in 1982 with 100 pages and black and white plates of the widespread check stamped pottery found in most of the southeastern U.S. Check stamped pottery, also known as deptford is dated from early to late woodland culture. Soft cover.

Weight 8.00 lbs
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