Eagle Dancer. This Katsina Kachina sculpture is exquisite. Photos can't do it justice. Coolridge Roy, Jr. is famous for his magnificently beautiful Eagle Dancer Kachina dolls. The lines are full of grace and beauty. From the tiny and large feathers, the feet, the hands, the clothing, there is precision and excellence. This is a wonderful example of the delicate natural coloration he achieves using only faint pigments. He comes from a family of known carvers and his work can be found in most books on Hopi art. Right wing has been reattached. Coolidge Roy Jr. and his wife Juanita live on Third Mesa in Oraibi, Arizona. The height from base to top head feather is about 11 inches and the wing span is 12 inches. The base is 5" x 4 3/4" at its widest parts.