American Indian and Eskimo Basketry

Product ID: MB130

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $28.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

"American Indian and Eskimo Basketry". A Key To Identification Intended to be a condensed guide to the nature and identity of the basketry artifacts produced by the aboriginal American, this book omits all but the essentials. The Reader should be able to identify much basketry from the photos and descriptions. 39 basketry areas are discussed. Hard Cover with slip, 114 pages, MCMLXIX, 6.25"X9", excellent condition.By Charles Miles and Pierre Bovis

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"American Indian and Eskimo Basketry". A Key To Identification Intended to be a condensed guide to the nature and identity of the basketry artifacts produced by the aboriginal American, this book omits all but the essentials. The Reader should be able to identify much basketry from the photos and descriptions. 39 basketry areas are discussed. Hard Cover with slip, 114 pages, MCMLXIX, 6.25"X9", excellent condition.By Charles Miles and Pierre Bovis

Weight 8.00 lbs
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