Bureau of Ethnology Smithsonian Institution. 13th Annual Report.

Product ID: MB139

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $175.00

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BAE Smithsonian. Thirteenth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1891-92 Report of the director. Prehistoric textile art of Eastern United States, by William Henry Holmes. Stone art, by Gerard Fowke. Aboriginal remains in Verde Valley, Arizona, by Cosmos Mindeleff Omaha dwellings, furniture, and implements, by James Owen dorsey. Outlines of Zuni creation myths, by Frank Hamilton Cushing. Index. Out of print. Olive Green Cloth Binding. Back cover not tight, but in good condition considering age.By J. W. Powell, director

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BAE Smithsonian. Thirteenth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1891-92 Report of the director. Prehistoric textile art of Eastern United States, by William Henry Holmes. Stone art, by Gerard Fowke. Aboriginal remains in Verde Valley, Arizona, by Cosmos Mindeleff Omaha dwellings, furniture, and implements, by James Owen dorsey. Outlines of Zuni creation myths, by Frank Hamilton Cushing. Index. Out of print. Olive Green Cloth Binding. Back cover not tight, but in good condition considering age.By J. W. Powell, director

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