Bureau of Ethnology Smithsonian Institution, 4th Annual Report.

Product ID: MB133

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $235.00

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BAE Smithsonian. Fourth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1882-83 Report of the director. Pictographs of the North American Indians. A preliminary paper, by Garrick Mallery. Pottery of the ancient Pueblos, by William H. Holmes. Ancient pottery of the Mississippi Valley, by William H. Holmes. Origin and development of form and ornament in ceramic art, by William H. Holmes. A study of Pueblo pottery as illustrative of Zuni culture-growth, by Frank Hamilton Cushing. Out of print. Olive Green Cloth Binding. Good Condition for age.By J. W. Powell, director

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BAE Smithsonian. Fourth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1882-83 Report of the director. Pictographs of the North American Indians. A preliminary paper, by Garrick Mallery. Pottery of the ancient Pueblos, by William H. Holmes. Ancient pottery of the Mississippi Valley, by William H. Holmes. Origin and development of form and ornament in ceramic art, by William H. Holmes. A study of Pueblo pottery as illustrative of Zuni culture-growth, by Frank Hamilton Cushing. Out of print. Olive Green Cloth Binding. Good Condition for age.By J. W. Powell, director

Weight 8.00 lbs
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