Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America

Product ID: MB126

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $55.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

"Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America". Tools, weapons, pottery, basketry, clothing, boats, and ceremonial regalia are shown, often in close-ups, which present technical details of manufacture. Hard Back in excellent condition, 244 pages, 8.75"x12.25".by Charles Miles with Foreword by Frederick J. Dockstader

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"Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America". Tools, weapons, pottery, basketry, clothing, boats, and ceremonial regalia are shown, often in close-ups, which present technical details of manufacture. Hard Back in excellent condition, 244 pages, 8.75"x12.25".by Charles Miles with Foreword by Frederick J. Dockstader

Weight 8.00 lbs
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