Indians of the Americas a Color-illustrated Record

Product ID: MB158

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $15.00

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"Indians of the Americas a Color-illustrated Record". This National Geographic Society book includes INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA, A HISTORICAL PANORAMA; ANCIENT LIFE IN THE NEW WORLD; and INDIANS TODAY, FROM AMAZON TO ARCTIC. Very colorful, with great information. Hardcover, 1955, 7.25"X10.25". Fine condition.By Matthew W. Stirling

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"Indians of the Americas a Color-illustrated Record". This National Geographic Society book includes INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA, A HISTORICAL PANORAMA; ANCIENT LIFE IN THE NEW WORLD; and INDIANS TODAY, FROM AMAZON TO ARCTIC. Very colorful, with great information. Hardcover, 1955, 7.25"X10.25". Fine condition.By Matthew W. Stirling

Weight 8.00 lbs
Height 0.00
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