The World of The American Indian

Product ID: MB127

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $55.00

Availability: Available

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"The World of The American Indian". This book begins with the spread of man across the New World. Includes details on Eskimos, a language section, section on Western Tribes, with many insights on southwestern peoples. Color photos of places, Katsina, Masks, and Traditions. Hard Back in good condition, 400 pages, 8.25"x10.25"

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"The World of The American Indian". This book begins with the spread of man across the New World. Includes details on Eskimos, a language section, section on Western Tribes, with many insights on southwestern peoples. Color photos of places, Katsina, Masks, and Traditions. Hard Back in good condition, 400 pages, 8.25"x10.25"

Weight 8.00 lbs
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