Native American Katsina Doll - Hopi Corn Dancer, Best of Show 1997 Santa Fe Indian Market Childrens

Product ID: K99

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $1,100.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

Hopi Corn Dancer Victor Mannie Jr. states that he carved the Corn Dancer because it was colorful and he thought it would be a challenge. The Corn Dancer is the leader of the other dancers in the Corn dance. There are also Mudheads in this dance.The Artist: Victor Mannie Jr. is sixteen years old, in 1997, lives in Page, AZ. He has been carving and painting since the age of 8. See his painting in that category.

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Hopi Corn Dancer Victor Mannie Jr. states that he carved the Corn Dancer because it was colorful and he thought it would be a challenge. The Corn Dancer is the leader of the other dancers in the Corn dance. There are also Mudheads in this dance.The Artist: Victor Mannie Jr. is sixteen years old, in 1997, lives in Page, AZ. He has been carving and painting since the age of 8. See his painting in that category.

Weight 7.00 lbs
Height 0.00
Width 0.00
Length 0.00