Native American Katsina Doll - Zuni Warrior Katsina Sip-ikne. 13".

Product ID: K142

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $925.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

Zuni Warrior Katsina Sip-ikne 1940's Katsina with missing paint at shoulderswith left arm loose. Left leg appears to be reglued. Has cotton cord to hang, but will stand.Case mask may be painted any one of six directional colors, painted flower ear

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Zuni Warrior Katsina Sip-ikne 1940's Katsina with missing paint at shoulderswith left arm loose. Left leg appears to be reglued. Has cotton cord to hang, but will stand.Case mask may be painted any one of six directional colors, painted flower ear

Weight 3.00 lbs
Height 0.00
Width 0.00
Length 0.00