Native American Prehistoric Item - Anasazi Bowl, Polychrome, Black on Red Geometric on Orange

Product ID: PH149

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $575.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

Anasazi Bowl, 4 1/2" height, 8" widthPolychrome, black on red geometric on orange. Reglued crack with a 1/2" by 1 1/4" piece missing in the bottom.Circa 1200 Ad

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Anasazi Bowl, 4 1/2" height, 8" widthPolychrome, black on red geometric on orange. Reglued crack with a 1/2" by 1 1/4" piece missing in the bottom.Circa 1200 Ad

Weight 5.00 lbs
Height 0.00
Width 0.00
Length 0.00