Native American Prehistoric Item - Mississippian Jar, Nice grayware piece of pottery from Steele, Pe

Product ID: PH158

Manufacturer: N/A

Price: $395.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Extra

Mississippian Jar. 7" x 7 1/2". Solid with the right side of the rim being repaired, and a few chips on the body but no cracks. Nice grayware piece of pottery from Steele, Pemiscot County, MO.

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Mississippian Jar. 7" x 7 1/2". Solid with the right side of the rim being repaired, and a few chips on the body but no cracks. Nice grayware piece of pottery from Steele, Pemiscot County, MO.

Weight 4.00 lbs
Height 0.00
Width 0.00
Length 0.00