Santa Clara Pueblo Bowl by Sammy Naranjo

Product ID: P64

Manufacturer: Sammy Naranjo Santa Clara Pueblo

Price: $1,359.00

Availability: Available

Shipping: Freight Included

Sammy Naranjo Pottery. Sammy "Okhuwa Nu Khung Tsire" (Dark Cloud Bird) is a full blooded Tewa Indian from the Pueblo of Santa Clara. He was inspired by his late Mother Flora Naranjo. Sammy specializes and is well known for his two-toned Sgraffito etched and carved work with traditinal designs. He digs his clay in Santa Clara, then hand coils his pottery and polishers them using polishing stones.When the pot is in its final stages of creation, he fires it using horse manure. Sammy signs his pots: Sammy Naranjo, Santa Clara Pueblo. Favorite designs: Water Serpent, Lifle Line and Bear Paws. This Pot, purchased from Sammy August, 2016 is 8" W x 7" H and is of Kiva Design with Mountains, Feather, Waterserpent, Lifeline and Bear Paw.

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Sammy Naranjo Pottery. Sammy "Okhuwa Nu Khung Tsire" (Dark Cloud Bird) is a full blooded Tewa Indian from the Pueblo of Santa Clara. He was inspired by his late Mother Flora Naranjo. Sammy specializes and is well known for his two-toned Sgraffito etched and carved work with traditinal designs. He digs his clay in Santa Clara, then hand coils his pottery and polishers them using polishing stones.When the pot is in its final stages of creation, he fires it using horse manure. Sammy signs his pots: Sammy Naranjo, Santa Clara Pueblo. Favorite designs: Water Serpent, Lifle Line and Bear Paws. This Pot, purchased from Sammy August, 2016 is 8" W x 7" H and is of Kiva Design with Mountains, Feather, Waterserpent, Lifeline and Bear Paw.

Weight 0.00 lbs
Height 8.00
Width 7.00
Length 0.00