About Us
The Birth of native american traders
My husband, Peyton, and I have been collecting Indian art, paintings, weavings, pottery, Katsina dolls, baskets, and jewelry for many years. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say Peyton is obsessed with all types of native American Indian art. He has fancied himself as a Native American art trader. We set up the company, native american traders, a few years ago. This was supposed to make it more of a business. I frequently pointed out to him that traders buy and sell. He had become an expert at "buying", going to different areas such as New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma on "buying trips". I praised him lavishly for his buying abilities, but finally had to lay down the law. If he wanted to continue to buy, he must begin to sell. The problem, of course, is that he loves everything he buys. He has finally realized that our collection is too big to continue growing without selling. Therefore, we now have a business (buying/selling) that we enjoy. Hence, the website of native american traders is a reality.
Elaine Alexander Fine art galleries are not limited to retail space. Hopi Katsina, Weavings, Pottery, and Baskets are available here. From Koshare Clowns by Neil David, Sr of (First Mesa) Polacco, AZ to historic Katsina, you can find them here. See the finest in handmade Indian art. A true Trading Post.
We purchase pieces and/or whole collections, also "American Indian Art Magazine", singles or bound volumes, if you want to sell, please Contact Us. All online transactions are safe and secure. Transactions are encrypted by our secure server running the latest Thawte Verified Secure Socket Layer Encryption Technology.
We are pleased to be a member of the Indian Arts and Crafts Association.